Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Template

Executive Summary:

This report highlights a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability identified within our web application. CSRF is a security flaw that allows attackers to trick authenticated users into executing unintended actions on a web application. The report aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the vulnerability, its potential impact on our systems and users, and actionable recommendations to mitigate the risks effectively.

Description of the Vulnerability:

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) occurs when our web application accepts requests from authenticated users without verifying that the requests are legitimate. This vulnerability was identified in [specific functionality/module] where requests lack sufficient anti-CSRF tokens or validation, enabling attackers to forge malicious requests on behalf of authenticated users.


Exploiting this vulnerability could lead to unauthorized actions being performed on behalf of authenticated users, such as transferring funds, changing account settings, or deleting critical data. This can result in financial loss, reputational damage, and compromise of user accounts.


The likelihood of CSRF exploitation depends on various factors, including the application's architecture, user behavior, and attacker's capabilities. However, given the prevalence of CSRF attacks and the ease of exploitation, the risk associated with this vulnerability is considered significant if left unaddressed.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log in to the web application as a legitimate user.
  2. Open a new browser tab or window and visit the attacker-controlled website or crafted URL.
  3. Initiate a malicious request targeting a sensitive action within our web application, such as changing the user's email address or password.
  4. Return to the original browser tab or window where the user is authenticated on our web application.
  5. Without the user's knowledge, the malicious request is automatically executed, leading to the unintended action being performed.

Recommendations for Developers:

  1. CSRF Tokens: Implement unique anti-CSRF tokens for each authenticated session and ensure that these tokens are included in every request that modifies state or performs sensitive actions within the application. Verify the presence and validity of CSRF tokens on the server-side before processing any requests.
  2. SameSite Cookies: Utilize the SameSite attribute for cookies to prevent them from being sent in cross-origin requests, thereby mitigating the risk of CSRF attacks. Configure cookies to be SameSite=Lax or SameSite=Strict based on application requirements.


Addressing this CSRF vulnerability is imperative to safeguard our users' accounts and prevent unauthorized actions on our web application. By adopting the recommended countermeasures, we can significantly reduce the risk of CSRF exploitation and enhance the overall security posture of our systems.