Top 100 Powershell Commands.

Today, we're delving into PowerShell, a powerful task automation and configuration management framework from Microsoft. Whether you're an IT professional, a developer, or just a tech enthusiast, mastering PowerShell commands can significantly elevate your scripting prowess and streamline your workflows. Here's your ultimate guide to the top 100 PowerShell commands, each explained to help you harness the full potential of this robust tool.

Basic Navigation and Operations

Get-Command: Lists all commands available in your session.

Get-Help: Provides detailed help for a specific command.

Set-Location: Changes the current directory.

Get-ChildItem: Lists items in the current directory.

Copy-Item: Copies an item from one location to another.

Move-Item: Moves an item to a new location.

Rename-Item: Renames an item.

Remove-Item: Deletes an item.

New-Item: Creates a new item.

Get-Content: Displays the content of a file.

Working with Objects

Select-Object: Selects specific properties of an object.

Where-Object: Filters objects based on property values.

Sort-Object: Sorts objects by property values.

Group-Object: Groups objects by property values.

Compare-Object: Compares two sets of objects.

Measure-Object: Calculates the properties of objects.

ForEach-Object: Operates on each item in a collection.

New-Object: Creates a new .NET object.

Export-Csv: Exports objects to a CSV file.

Import-Csv: Imports objects from a CSV file.

File and Folder Management

Get-Location: Displays the current directory.

Set-Item: Changes the value of an item.

Clear-Item: Clears the content of an item.

Invoke-Item: Invokes an executable or opens a file.

Test-Path: Checks if a path exists.

Push-Location: Saves the current location.

Pop-Location: Returns to a saved location.

Resolve-Path: Resolves the path to an item.

Split-Path: Returns part of a path.

Join-Path: Combines two paths.

System Administration

Get-Process: Gets the processes running on a computer.

Stop-Process: Stops one or more running processes.

Start-Process: Starts one or more processes.

Get-Service: Retrieves the services on a computer.

Start-Service: Starts one or more stopped services.

Stop-Service: Stops one or more running services.

Restart-Service: Stops and then starts one or more services.

Set-Service: Changes the properties of a service.

Get-EventLog: Gets events and event logs.

Clear-EventLog: Clears an event log.

Security and Permissions

Get-Acl: Gets the ACLs (Access Control Lists) for a file or resource.

Set-Acl: Sets the ACLs for a file or resource.

Get-Credential: Prompts the user for credentials.

ConvertTo-SecureString: Converts plain text to a secure string.

ConvertFrom-SecureString: Converts a secure string to plain text.


Test-Connection: Sends an ICMP echo request to test the connection.

Get-NetIPConfiguration: Gets the IP configuration.

Resolve-DnsName: Performs a DNS name query resolution.

Test-NetConnection: Displays diagnostic information for a connection.

Get-NetAdapter: Gets the network adapter configuration.

Advanced Scripting

If: Conditional statement.

Switch: Evaluates one or more conditions and executes a block of commands.

For: Loop statement.

ForEach: For each loop.

While: While loop.

Do-While: Do while loop.

Do-Until: Do until loop.

Try-Catch-Finally: Exception handling blocks.

Throw: Throws an exception.

Write-Output: Writes output to the pipeline.

PowerShell Remoting

New-PSSession: Creates a persistent connection to a remote computer.

Enter-PSSession: Starts an interactive session with a remote computer.

Exit-PSSession: Ends an interactive session with a remote computer.

Invoke-Command: Runs commands on remote computers.

Get-PSSession: Gets information about PowerShell sessions.

Modules and Snap-ins

Get-Module: Gets the modules imported into the session.

Import-Module: Adds one or more modules to the session.

Remove-Module: Removes modules from the session.

Get-PSSnapin: Gets the Windows PowerShell snap-ins on the computer.

Add-PSSnapin: Adds one or more Windows PowerShell snap-ins to the session.

Text Processing and Output Formatting

Out-File: Sends command output to a file.

Get-FormatData: Gets formatting data.

Out-Print: Sends output to a printer.

Out-GridView: Sends output to an interactive table.

Format-List: Formats output as a list of properties.

Format-Table: Formats output as a table.

Format-Wide: Formats output as a wide table.

Write-Host: Writes customized output.

Write-Error: Writes an error message.

Write-Verbose: Writes verbose output.

Variable and Data Management

New-Variable: Creates a new variable.

Remove-Variable: Removes a variable.

Set-Variable: Sets the value of a variable.

Get-Variable: Gets the variables in the current console.

Clear-Variable: Clears the value of a variable.

Export-Clixml: Exports data as a Clixml file.

Import-Clixml: Imports a Clixml file as objects.

Export-Json: Exports data to a JSON file.

Import-Json: Imports JSON data.

Job Scheduling and Background Tasks

Start-Job: Starts a PowerShell background job.

Get-Job: Gets PowerShell background jobs.

Stop-Job: Stops a PowerShell background job.

Wait-Job: Suppresses the command prompt until one or all jobs are complete.

Receive-Job: Gets the results of PowerShell background jobs.

Registry Manipulation

Get-ItemProperty: Retrieves the properties of an item.

Set-ItemProperty: Changes the properties of an item.

New-Item: Creates a new item.

Remove-Item: Removes an item.

Get-ChildItem: Retrieves the child items of an item.

Test-Path: Determines if all elements of a path exist.

PowerShell is not just a command-line shell but a powerful scripting environment that enables automation and simplifies administrative tasks. With these 100 commands at your fingertips, you're well on your way to becoming a PowerShell expert. Remember, practice is key to mastering any new skill, so experiment with these commands and integrate them into your daily tasks to see their full potential.

Stay tuned to for more insightful guides, tutorials, and resources to fuel your journey in the world of technology. Happy scripting!

Author: RB