Top 100 Windows Commands.

Today, we're diving deep into the world of Windows Terminal, an essential tool for developers, IT professionals, and tech enthusiasts. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced user, mastering the commands can significantly enhance your productivity and understanding of the Windows OS. Here's a curated list of the top 100 commands for Windows Terminal, complete with descriptions to help you navigate and utilize the terminal like a pro!

File and Directory Management

cd - Change Directory

dir - List Directory Contents

md - Make Directory

rd - Remove Directory

del - Delete File(s)

copy - Copy Files

xcopy - Extended Copy

move - Move Files

ren - Rename Files

attrib - Change File Attributes

type - Display contents of a file

tree - Display folder structure graphically

pushd - Save and then change the current directory

popd - Restore the previous value of the current directory

robocopy - Robust File Copy

System Management

tasklist - Display Tasks

taskkill - Kill Tasks

systeminfo - System Information

chkdsk - Check Disk

sfc - System File Checker

shutdown - Shut Down Computer

restart - Restart Computer

logoff - Log off the current user

driverquery - Display current device driver status

schtasks - Schedule a command to run at a specific time

gpupdate - Update group policy settings

gpresult - Display group policy information

reg - Registry Editor

msconfig - System Configuration Tool

diskpart - Disk Partitioning Tool

format - Format a disk

defrag - Defragment a drive

cleanmgr - Disk Cleanup

Network Commands

ipconfig - IP Configuration

ping - Check Connection

tracert - Trace Route

netstat - Network Statistics

nslookup - Name Server Lookup

net - Network Commands (use, user, view, etc.)

netsh - Configure network protocols

pathping - Trace route plus network latency and packet loss

arp - Display and modify the ARP table

nbtstat - Display networking statistics (NetBIOS over TCP/IP)

telnet - Communicate with another host using the TELNET protocol

ftp - Transfer files to and from a remote network

net localgroup - Add, display, or modify local groups

net share - Share a folder or a printer

net session - List or disconnect sessions with the computer

net statistics - Display networking statistics (netstat)

net user - Display/add/remove users

Batch Files and Scripting

echo - Display Message

set - Set Environment Variable

goto - Direct Command Processor

if - Conditional Processing

for - Loop Command

pause - Pause the batch file

exit - Exit the CMD/Shell

call - Call a batch file from another one

start - Start a separate window to run a specified program or command

assoc - Display or modify file extension associations

ftype - Display or modify file types used in file extension associations

Utility and Accessibility

clip - Redirect output to Windows clipboard

find - Search for a text string

findstr - Find strings in files

help - Provide Help information

cls - Clear Screen

color - Set the console foreground and background colors

title - Set the window title for the CMD prompt

prompt - Change the command prompt

time - Display or set the system time

date - Display or set the system date

timeout - Pause the command processor for a specified number of seconds

msg - Send a message to a user

shutdown - Shutdown or restart the computer

System Tools

mstsc - Remote Desktop Connection

snippingtool - Snipping Tool

sndvol - Volume Mixer

osk - On-Screen Keyboard

magnify - Magnifier

narrator - Narrator

wmic - Windows Management Instrumentation

services.msc - Service Control Manager

lusrmgr.msc - Local Users and Groups

devmgmt.msc - Device Manager

diskmgmt.msc - Disk Management

eventvwr.msc - Event Viewer

compmgmt.msc - Computer Management

perfmon.msc - Performance Monitor

resmon - Resource Monitor

File Viewing and Editing

notepad - Open Notepad

wordpad - Open Wordpad

write - Open Wordpad (alternative command)

calc - Open Calculator

explorer - Open Windows Explorer

control - Open Control Panel

cmd - Open a new instance of the Command Prompt

powershell - Open Windows PowerShell

mspaint - Open Paint

wmplayer - Open Windows Media Player

write - Open WordPad

This list is just the beginning of what you can achieve with Windows Terminal commands. Each command has a range of options and functionalities that can help you streamline your workflow and manage your system more efficiently. We encourage you to explore these commands further and integrate them into your daily tech routine.

By mastering these Windows Terminal commands, you'll enhance your ability to interact with Windows in a more effective and nuanced way, unlocking new possibilities for automation, customization, and system management. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don't hesitate to try out these commands and see how they can improve your computing experience.

Author: RB